Darci Trader Lab
Jan 2025
-Welcome Shawn Vinogradsky, a first year PharmSci grad student, to the Trader lab!
-Congrats Tim on your degron review in RSC Med Chem!
RSC Medicinal Chemistry, 2025, DOI: 10.1039/D4MD00787E
-Congrats Cody on TWO papers this month! A review in Molecules on the primed substrate channel of the proteasome and a RSC Chemical Biology Paper on the development of an aLuc probe for the immunoproteasome.
-Congrats Tim on passing your PhD Candidacy in the Dept. of Pharm Sci!
-Congrats Duno and Jaida passing your PhD Candidacy exam in the Dept. of Chemistry!
-New ChemBiochem Paper from the lab!
-Congrats Kate on passing your PhD Candidacy exam!
-Congrats Cody on passing your PhD Candidacy exam!
Feb 2024
-Welcome Robert Zepeda to the lab! Our first first year UCI PharmSci grad student!
Jan 2024
-First pre-print for the year! Excited to be studying Rpn-13 degraders.
October 2023
-Congrats Kate on your invited review in the Israel Journal of Chemistry! Link coming soon.
September 2023
-Congrats Cody on your first paper!!
April 2023
-Congrats to Andres on becoming Dr. Salazar! Wonderful work on understanding the impact of stimulating the proteasome with small molecules.
February 2023
-Welcome Duno and Jaida to the Trader lab! They are our first UCI students and are first year graduate students in the chemistry department.
-Congrats Dr. Muli on your BMCL paper describing the substrates the human proteasome can accept in its primed substrate channel.
January 2023
-Welcome Aron Weldai, first year graduate student, to the Trader Lab!
December 2022
-The Trader lab is on the move!!!! We are moving to the University of California- Irvine in July of 2023. We are very grateful for our time at Purdue and will miss our amazing friends and colleagues. Prof. Trader's main appointment will be in the Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences. We will move in the summer of 2023.
November 2022
-Congrats to Christine on becoming Dr. Muli! Enjoy the postdoc at NIH, you will be missed!
August 2022
-Congrats to Andres on his award from the College of Pharmacy to attend the the online course from Schrodinger on Molecular Modeling in Drug Discovery!
May 2022
-Welcome Hanna King, Pulse Graduate student, to the Trader Lab!
March 2022
-Congrats to Andres, Saayak, and Dr. Maresh on their recent Chembiochem paper!
February 2022
-Congrats to Christine on receiving a travel grant from the Purdue Center for Cancer Research to attend a Gordon conference this summer!
January 2022
-Welcome Tim, Cody, and Kate to the Trader Lab OFFICIALLY!! They are starting their PhDs in MCMP.
-Welcome Dr. Eslam Ali as a new postdoc in the Trader lab. She completed her PhD with Prof. Oh while at KIST.
September 2021
-Welcome Pulse Student Hanna King who is starting her rotation in the Trader Lab!
August 2021
-Welcome MCMP students Tim, Kate, and Cody who are starting their rotation in the Trader Lab!
June 2021
-Congrats to Dr. Wenzhi Tian on his PhD defense! He will be off to the Broad Institute to start a postdoc in the Choudhary Lab!
May 2021
-Congrats to Christine on winning the 2021 Most Outstanding Interdisciplinary Project Award from the Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs at Purdue!
-Congrats Marianne on what is probably her last Trader lab paper! "A Yeast Chronological Lifespan Assay to Assess Activity of Proteasome Stimulators" in collaboration with the Hazbun lab.
April 2021
-Marianne is officially Dr. Marianne Maresh now! Lab PhD #2! She will join Dr. Collin's lab at the University of Michigan for her postdoc in July. Congrats Dr. MEM!
-Congrats to Marianne on the publication of her paper on the development of a covalent gankyrin probe! This paper was invited for the RSC Advances 2021 Emerging Investigators Series.
March 2021
-Christine won the best elevator pitch talk at the 2021 SBBC!
-Tom and Marianne's paper is published in ChemBiochem!
December 2020
-The review by Marianne and Andres is out today describing methods to monitor proteasome activity. This was an invited review for the Early Career Research In Medicinal Chemistry Issue in Future of Medicinal Chemistry.
November 2020
-Congrats to Christine and Tom on their Purdue School of Pharmacy Awards!
September 2020
-Congrats to Christine for winning the 2020 Kienly Award for her excellent teaching in MCMP 204/205!
August 2020
-New paper from the Trader lab just published in ACS Chemical Biology! Congrats to all of the authors!
-We are recruiting this students this fall for our neuroscience and immunoproteasome projects. Please contact Prof. Trader about a rotation!
-Welcome Saayak Halder, a Purdue Chemistry graduate student, to the group!
July 2020
-The Trader lab has received its first R01 grant entitled "Monitoring and Manipulating the Activity of the Immunoproteasome with Small Molecules." We hope to recruit several graduate students this fall to work on this exciting project. Thanks to all the Trader lab members who helped get this funded!
June 2020
-WOWOW!!! A HUGE congrats to Christine Muli who was awarded a NIH-F31 Predoctoral Fellowship!!!
May 2020
-Congrats to Marianne for receiving a Bisland Fellowship to support her while writing her thesis!
April 2020
-A new paper from the Trader lab as been posted to Chem Rxiv describing the effects of proteasome stimulators on a variety of protein substrates. Congrats Rachel on getting this all together! Link coming soon!
-Congrats to Andres for passing his candidacy exam!! Trader Lab is full of amazing PhD candidates! Cannot wait to recruitment more students this fall to join us!
-A new paper from the Trader lab has been posted to Chem Rxiv describing a better probe to monitor proteasome activity in cells.
-Congrats to Christine on her travel award from the Purdue Cancer Center for Research to attend a conference of her choice!
March 2020
-Today is Breanna's LAST day in the Trader lab. She will start as a Research Scientist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute next month. Congrats BZ and you will very much be missed!
-Congrats to Christine Muli for placing 1st in the Purdue Health and Disease Poster Session Competition in the Cancer Category!!
February 2020
-Congrats to Marianne on winning the PULSe annual poster competition at the 2020 recruitment weekend!
January 2020
-Tom's Rpn-6 probe paper was published today in ACS Chemical Biology! Now to turn the probe into a potent inhibitor...
-Congrats to Marianne for receiving a travel award from the Purdue School of Pharmacy to attend the spring 2020 AACR meeting.
December 2019
-Our first pre-print on the discovery of a small molecule binder to Rpn-6 is out!
-Congrats Marianne on the OIGP travel award to attend the Spring 2020 AACR meeting!
November 2019
-Our perspective on targeting the immunoproteasome in J. Med. Chem has been published. Nice job Breanna and Marianne!
-Dr. Zerfas' manuscript in Current Protocols in Chemical Biology has been published! Congrats BZ!
September 2019
-The Trader lab has received its first NIH grant, an R21 titled "Development of Activity-Based Chemical Reporters to Differentiate Proteasome Isoforms in Cells."
July 2019
-The Trader lab has received a CTSI Core Pilot Grant to explore the expression levels of Rpn-13 in a variety of cancer cell lines by proteomics.
June 2019
-Rachel's review on techniques to monitor proteasome stimulation has been published in Molecules!
-The Trader lab has received an AIMS Award to discover better binders to Rpn-13, a ubiquitin receptor of the proteasome.
-Congrats to Christine on obtaining a travel award to attend the Chicago Mass Spec Day!
-The Trader lab has been awarded a Showalter Research Award to pursue the project titled "Targeting Cancer Cells with an Immunoproteasome-Selective Prodrug Strategy."
May 2019
-Congrats to postdoc, Breanna Zerfas, for being accepted to attend the Janelia's Junior Scientist Workshop on Solving Biological Problems with Chemistry!
April 2019
-We received a Phase 1 grant from the Purdue Cancer Center to develop better non-covalent inhibitors of Rpn-13. This grant will also provide funds to continue our collaboration with the Post lab.
-It has been an exciting fellowship week in the Trader lab!
-Congrats to Marianne on receiving the PCCR Graduate Student Fellowship
-Congrats to Brice, an undergraduate in the lab, for obtaining a PCCR Summer Fellowship
-Marianne received a fellowship from the Lilly Endowment to pursue her cancer diagnostic research. Congrats MM!
-Dr. Zerfas received a poster award in the Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology section at the recent H.C. Brown Symposium hosted by the Purdue Chemistry department. Congrats BZ!
-Marianne presented her recent work on campus at the Leap from Lab conference and won the People's Choice Award for best talk. Congrats!!
-Congrats to Christine Muli on passing her candidacy exam!
-The press release about Breanna's JACS paper can be found here!
-Our first patent has been published on the development of FRET reporters for monitoring the activity of the 20S CP. Click here.
March 2019
-A BIG congrats to Breanna on having her JACS paper accepted describing a new immunoproteasome probe!
Click here for the article!
-Congrats to Tom for receiving a travel grant from the Purdue Cancer Center to present his work at the National ACS Meeting in August!
February 2019
-Congrats to Christine and Wenzhi on the acceptance of their mini-review on 19S RP inhibitors in ChemBioChem- ChemBioTalents Issue!
Click here for the article!
January 2019
-Congrats to Marianne on her first paper that was just accepted to ACS Combi Sci!
December 2018
-Congrats to Breanna for receiving a travel award from Purdue to attend the 2019 HTS Gordon Conference.
-Congrats to Rachel for winning the Chaney Travel Award to attend the 2019 Bioorganic Gordon Conference.
-Congrats to Rachel and Christine in collaboration with the Newhouse lab at Yale on the acceptance of their paper in Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters! https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bmcl.2018.12.030
November 2018
-The Trader lab as received a PCCR Shared Resource Grant to explore how proteasome stimulators interact with the 20S CP by Cryo-EM
October 2018
-Our viewpoint on Proteasome Stimulation was just published in ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science!
September 2018
-Congrats to Rachel on winning the McKeehan Fellowship AND the Jenkins-Knevel Award!
July 2018
-Congrats to Rachel on her Current Protocols in Chemical Biology manuscript being accepted!
-A Phase II grant from the Purdue NCI-designated Cancer Center was awarded to further our research towards a better Rpn-6 inhibitor to battle hematological cancers!
-The Trader lab has received an internal grant from the chemical genomics facility to screen for better Rpn-13 inhibitors. We look forward to this exciting screening campaign!
May 2018
-Congrats to Tom (Wenzhi) for passing his candidacy exam!
April 2018
-Rachel was awarded a PRF fellowship to support her research entitled "Stimulating the 20S CP as a Therapeutic Approach to Parkinson's Disease." Congrats Rachel!
-Congrats to Marianne and Rachel on passing their candidacy exam!!
March 2018
-The Trader Lab's first publication was accepted! Congrats Rachel!
February 2018
-Congrats to Nathan Macatangay, a pre-pharmacy student in our lab, for being selected for a Dean's Undergraduate Research Fellowship for this summer!
-The Trader lab is participating in the Purdue University Cancer Center 5K Challenge! If you would like to donate to our team please use the link below!
December 2017
-Dr. Zerfas, a Trader Lab postdoc, receives a travel award to attend the Bioorganic GRC in June 2018 in Andover, NH from the Purdue Graduate School.
-Welcome first year MCMP graduate student Christine Muli to the Trader Lab!
June 2017
-The Trader lab receives a Showalter Trust Research Award for the project titled "Discovery of Proteasome Stimulators to Treat Diseases Associated with Protein Accumulation"
-Breanna Zerfas, a graduate of Boston College from Prof. Jianmin Gao's group, has joined the Trader lab as a postdoc. Welcome Breanna!
May 2017
The Trader laboratory was awarded a Purdue University Center for Cancer Research's Phase I Concept Award for the project entitled "Development of Rpn-6 Inhibitors, the Hinge of the Proteasome, as a New Anti-Cancer Target."
April 2017
Marianne Maresh, a PULSe Rotation student, was the runner up for the PULSe First Year Poster Award. Congrats Marianne!
Dec. 2016
Rachel Coleman and Wenzhi Tian, MCMP graduate students, join the Trader laboratory. Welcome Rachel and Wenzhi!
-Welcome Shawn Vinogradsky, a first year PharmSci grad student, to the Trader lab!
-Congrats Tim on your degron review in RSC Med Chem!
RSC Medicinal Chemistry, 2025, DOI: 10.1039/D4MD00787E
-Congrats Cody on TWO papers this month! A review in Molecules on the primed substrate channel of the proteasome and a RSC Chemical Biology Paper on the development of an aLuc probe for the immunoproteasome.
-Congrats Tim on passing your PhD Candidacy in the Dept. of Pharm Sci!
-Congrats Duno and Jaida passing your PhD Candidacy exam in the Dept. of Chemistry!
-New ChemBiochem Paper from the lab!
-Congrats Kate on passing your PhD Candidacy exam!
-Congrats Cody on passing your PhD Candidacy exam!
Feb 2024
-Welcome Robert Zepeda to the lab! Our first first year UCI PharmSci grad student!
Jan 2024
-First pre-print for the year! Excited to be studying Rpn-13 degraders.
October 2023
-Congrats Kate on your invited review in the Israel Journal of Chemistry! Link coming soon.
September 2023
-Congrats Cody on your first paper!!
April 2023
-Congrats to Andres on becoming Dr. Salazar! Wonderful work on understanding the impact of stimulating the proteasome with small molecules.
February 2023
-Welcome Duno and Jaida to the Trader lab! They are our first UCI students and are first year graduate students in the chemistry department.
-Congrats Dr. Muli on your BMCL paper describing the substrates the human proteasome can accept in its primed substrate channel.
January 2023
-Welcome Aron Weldai, first year graduate student, to the Trader Lab!
December 2022
-The Trader lab is on the move!!!! We are moving to the University of California- Irvine in July of 2023. We are very grateful for our time at Purdue and will miss our amazing friends and colleagues. Prof. Trader's main appointment will be in the Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences. We will move in the summer of 2023.
November 2022
-Congrats to Christine on becoming Dr. Muli! Enjoy the postdoc at NIH, you will be missed!
August 2022
-Congrats to Andres on his award from the College of Pharmacy to attend the the online course from Schrodinger on Molecular Modeling in Drug Discovery!
May 2022
-Welcome Hanna King, Pulse Graduate student, to the Trader Lab!
March 2022
-Congrats to Andres, Saayak, and Dr. Maresh on their recent Chembiochem paper!
February 2022
-Congrats to Christine on receiving a travel grant from the Purdue Center for Cancer Research to attend a Gordon conference this summer!
January 2022
-Welcome Tim, Cody, and Kate to the Trader Lab OFFICIALLY!! They are starting their PhDs in MCMP.
-Welcome Dr. Eslam Ali as a new postdoc in the Trader lab. She completed her PhD with Prof. Oh while at KIST.
September 2021
-Welcome Pulse Student Hanna King who is starting her rotation in the Trader Lab!
August 2021
-Welcome MCMP students Tim, Kate, and Cody who are starting their rotation in the Trader Lab!
June 2021
-Congrats to Dr. Wenzhi Tian on his PhD defense! He will be off to the Broad Institute to start a postdoc in the Choudhary Lab!
May 2021
-Congrats to Christine on winning the 2021 Most Outstanding Interdisciplinary Project Award from the Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs at Purdue!
-Congrats Marianne on what is probably her last Trader lab paper! "A Yeast Chronological Lifespan Assay to Assess Activity of Proteasome Stimulators" in collaboration with the Hazbun lab.
April 2021
-Marianne is officially Dr. Marianne Maresh now! Lab PhD #2! She will join Dr. Collin's lab at the University of Michigan for her postdoc in July. Congrats Dr. MEM!
-Congrats to Marianne on the publication of her paper on the development of a covalent gankyrin probe! This paper was invited for the RSC Advances 2021 Emerging Investigators Series.
March 2021
-Christine won the best elevator pitch talk at the 2021 SBBC!
-Tom and Marianne's paper is published in ChemBiochem!
December 2020
-The review by Marianne and Andres is out today describing methods to monitor proteasome activity. This was an invited review for the Early Career Research In Medicinal Chemistry Issue in Future of Medicinal Chemistry.
November 2020
-Congrats to Christine and Tom on their Purdue School of Pharmacy Awards!
September 2020
-Congrats to Christine for winning the 2020 Kienly Award for her excellent teaching in MCMP 204/205!
August 2020
-New paper from the Trader lab just published in ACS Chemical Biology! Congrats to all of the authors!
-We are recruiting this students this fall for our neuroscience and immunoproteasome projects. Please contact Prof. Trader about a rotation!
-Welcome Saayak Halder, a Purdue Chemistry graduate student, to the group!
July 2020
-The Trader lab has received its first R01 grant entitled "Monitoring and Manipulating the Activity of the Immunoproteasome with Small Molecules." We hope to recruit several graduate students this fall to work on this exciting project. Thanks to all the Trader lab members who helped get this funded!
June 2020
-WOWOW!!! A HUGE congrats to Christine Muli who was awarded a NIH-F31 Predoctoral Fellowship!!!
May 2020
-Congrats to Marianne for receiving a Bisland Fellowship to support her while writing her thesis!
April 2020
-A new paper from the Trader lab as been posted to Chem Rxiv describing the effects of proteasome stimulators on a variety of protein substrates. Congrats Rachel on getting this all together! Link coming soon!
-Congrats to Andres for passing his candidacy exam!! Trader Lab is full of amazing PhD candidates! Cannot wait to recruitment more students this fall to join us!
-A new paper from the Trader lab has been posted to Chem Rxiv describing a better probe to monitor proteasome activity in cells.
-Congrats to Christine on her travel award from the Purdue Cancer Center for Research to attend a conference of her choice!
March 2020
-Today is Breanna's LAST day in the Trader lab. She will start as a Research Scientist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute next month. Congrats BZ and you will very much be missed!
-Congrats to Christine Muli for placing 1st in the Purdue Health and Disease Poster Session Competition in the Cancer Category!!
February 2020
-Congrats to Marianne on winning the PULSe annual poster competition at the 2020 recruitment weekend!
January 2020
-Tom's Rpn-6 probe paper was published today in ACS Chemical Biology! Now to turn the probe into a potent inhibitor...
-Congrats to Marianne for receiving a travel award from the Purdue School of Pharmacy to attend the spring 2020 AACR meeting.
December 2019
-Our first pre-print on the discovery of a small molecule binder to Rpn-6 is out!
-Congrats Marianne on the OIGP travel award to attend the Spring 2020 AACR meeting!
November 2019
-Our perspective on targeting the immunoproteasome in J. Med. Chem has been published. Nice job Breanna and Marianne!
-Dr. Zerfas' manuscript in Current Protocols in Chemical Biology has been published! Congrats BZ!
September 2019
-The Trader lab has received its first NIH grant, an R21 titled "Development of Activity-Based Chemical Reporters to Differentiate Proteasome Isoforms in Cells."
July 2019
-The Trader lab has received a CTSI Core Pilot Grant to explore the expression levels of Rpn-13 in a variety of cancer cell lines by proteomics.
June 2019
-Rachel's review on techniques to monitor proteasome stimulation has been published in Molecules!
-The Trader lab has received an AIMS Award to discover better binders to Rpn-13, a ubiquitin receptor of the proteasome.
-Congrats to Christine on obtaining a travel award to attend the Chicago Mass Spec Day!
-The Trader lab has been awarded a Showalter Research Award to pursue the project titled "Targeting Cancer Cells with an Immunoproteasome-Selective Prodrug Strategy."
May 2019
-Congrats to postdoc, Breanna Zerfas, for being accepted to attend the Janelia's Junior Scientist Workshop on Solving Biological Problems with Chemistry!
April 2019
-We received a Phase 1 grant from the Purdue Cancer Center to develop better non-covalent inhibitors of Rpn-13. This grant will also provide funds to continue our collaboration with the Post lab.
-It has been an exciting fellowship week in the Trader lab!
-Congrats to Marianne on receiving the PCCR Graduate Student Fellowship
-Congrats to Brice, an undergraduate in the lab, for obtaining a PCCR Summer Fellowship
-Marianne received a fellowship from the Lilly Endowment to pursue her cancer diagnostic research. Congrats MM!
-Dr. Zerfas received a poster award in the Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology section at the recent H.C. Brown Symposium hosted by the Purdue Chemistry department. Congrats BZ!
-Marianne presented her recent work on campus at the Leap from Lab conference and won the People's Choice Award for best talk. Congrats!!
-Congrats to Christine Muli on passing her candidacy exam!
-The press release about Breanna's JACS paper can be found here!
-Our first patent has been published on the development of FRET reporters for monitoring the activity of the 20S CP. Click here.
March 2019
-A BIG congrats to Breanna on having her JACS paper accepted describing a new immunoproteasome probe!
Click here for the article!
-Congrats to Tom for receiving a travel grant from the Purdue Cancer Center to present his work at the National ACS Meeting in August!
February 2019
-Congrats to Christine and Wenzhi on the acceptance of their mini-review on 19S RP inhibitors in ChemBioChem- ChemBioTalents Issue!
Click here for the article!
January 2019
-Congrats to Marianne on her first paper that was just accepted to ACS Combi Sci!
December 2018
-Congrats to Breanna for receiving a travel award from Purdue to attend the 2019 HTS Gordon Conference.
-Congrats to Rachel for winning the Chaney Travel Award to attend the 2019 Bioorganic Gordon Conference.
-Congrats to Rachel and Christine in collaboration with the Newhouse lab at Yale on the acceptance of their paper in Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters! https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bmcl.2018.12.030
November 2018
-The Trader lab as received a PCCR Shared Resource Grant to explore how proteasome stimulators interact with the 20S CP by Cryo-EM
October 2018
-Our viewpoint on Proteasome Stimulation was just published in ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science!
September 2018
-Congrats to Rachel on winning the McKeehan Fellowship AND the Jenkins-Knevel Award!
July 2018
-Congrats to Rachel on her Current Protocols in Chemical Biology manuscript being accepted!
-A Phase II grant from the Purdue NCI-designated Cancer Center was awarded to further our research towards a better Rpn-6 inhibitor to battle hematological cancers!
-The Trader lab has received an internal grant from the chemical genomics facility to screen for better Rpn-13 inhibitors. We look forward to this exciting screening campaign!
May 2018
-Congrats to Tom (Wenzhi) for passing his candidacy exam!
April 2018
-Rachel was awarded a PRF fellowship to support her research entitled "Stimulating the 20S CP as a Therapeutic Approach to Parkinson's Disease." Congrats Rachel!
-Congrats to Marianne and Rachel on passing their candidacy exam!!
March 2018
-The Trader Lab's first publication was accepted! Congrats Rachel!
February 2018
-Congrats to Nathan Macatangay, a pre-pharmacy student in our lab, for being selected for a Dean's Undergraduate Research Fellowship for this summer!
-The Trader lab is participating in the Purdue University Cancer Center 5K Challenge! If you would like to donate to our team please use the link below!
December 2017
-Dr. Zerfas, a Trader Lab postdoc, receives a travel award to attend the Bioorganic GRC in June 2018 in Andover, NH from the Purdue Graduate School.
-Welcome first year MCMP graduate student Christine Muli to the Trader Lab!
June 2017
-The Trader lab receives a Showalter Trust Research Award for the project titled "Discovery of Proteasome Stimulators to Treat Diseases Associated with Protein Accumulation"
-Breanna Zerfas, a graduate of Boston College from Prof. Jianmin Gao's group, has joined the Trader lab as a postdoc. Welcome Breanna!
May 2017
The Trader laboratory was awarded a Purdue University Center for Cancer Research's Phase I Concept Award for the project entitled "Development of Rpn-6 Inhibitors, the Hinge of the Proteasome, as a New Anti-Cancer Target."
April 2017
Marianne Maresh, a PULSe Rotation student, was the runner up for the PULSe First Year Poster Award. Congrats Marianne!
Dec. 2016
Rachel Coleman and Wenzhi Tian, MCMP graduate students, join the Trader laboratory. Welcome Rachel and Wenzhi!
Oct. 2016
Dr. Trader receives seed funding to begin a collaboration with Prof. Gaurav Chopra (Dept. of Chemistry) towards discovering small molecules to stimulate the proteasome in neurons affected by A-beta accumulation.
Dr. Trader receives seed funding to begin a collaboration with Prof. Gaurav Chopra (Dept. of Chemistry) towards discovering small molecules to stimulate the proteasome in neurons affected by A-beta accumulation.
Oct. 2016
Dr. Trader recieves the Purdue University Center for Cancer Research's American Cancer Society (ACS) Instutitional Grant for New Investigators! This grant will be utilized to fund the project titled "Triggering the Immune System to Destory Cancer Cells via Selective Antigenic Peptide Release by the Immunoproteasome."
Dr. Trader recieves the Purdue University Center for Cancer Research's American Cancer Society (ACS) Instutitional Grant for New Investigators! This grant will be utilized to fund the project titled "Triggering the Immune System to Destory Cancer Cells via Selective Antigenic Peptide Release by the Immunoproteasome."
July 2016
It's beginning to look like a lab! Plenty of room and new equipment for MCMP and PULSe graduate students. Please contact Dr. Trader if interested in doing a rotation.
It's beginning to look like a lab! Plenty of room and new equipment for MCMP and PULSe graduate students. Please contact Dr. Trader if interested in doing a rotation.
July 2016
The Trader Lab begins at Purdue in RHPH 527. The lab is currently seeking enthusiastic graduate students and postdocs. Email Prof Trader at [email protected].
The Trader Lab begins at Purdue in RHPH 527. The lab is currently seeking enthusiastic graduate students and postdocs. Email Prof Trader at [email protected].
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